No smoking blog, I wish I could quit you
Many apologies for basically ignoring this site for so long -- in fact, I notice that tomorrow is the three month (!!) aniversary. I had hoped this would've been an endlessly thrilling blog, with updates virtually on the hour. Little did I know the struggle would be fairly prosaic; updates would've largely consisted of, "Yes, I still haven't mauled any nearby smokers and stolen their stash." You should be thanking me, if anything.
For those still periodically swinging by for updates, here's a quick round-up of what's occured, no smoking-wise, since I went all neglectful:
* I went off the patches, and thus all forms of nicotine, around x-mas time
* Perhaps as a result, I've grown lazier, more prone to lay around. No doubt due to this
* I've also put on a good twenty pounds, though jowls have yet to grow
* OT: I smoked a stogie on New Year's. That was awesome.
I'll be back -- just because I'm off the nicotine doesn't mean the trials are over. Lucky you.